Youth workshop activities

The statistics on youth workshop activities are sourced from annual surveys concerning state subsidies (2014–2022).

The data collection covers nearly all workshops receiving state aid for youth workshops and some of the workshops for adults. All organisations receiving aid from the Ministry of Education and Culture are obliged to respond to the youth workshop survey. There are also workshops in Finland that do not receive or apply for this aid, as they are only intended for adults or receive funding from elsewhere. The participation of these workshops in the data collection was voluntary, so only a few of them responded to the survey.

The collected data contains both quantitative and qualitative information on the organisation of workshop activities, the contents of the workshops and directions of development. The respondents also talked about challenges, successes and development needs.

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland has been responsible for national data collection on workshop activities since 2017. The statistics available on the website only cover the operators who have answered the annual surveys.

Statistics on youth workshop activities: Ruth Bamming / Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland.

A workshop is a community that aims to improve an individual’s everyday life management skills and their ability to apply for education or employment by working, learning by doing and receiving related training. Work training and individual training have become established workshop methods. Work training is used to develop the trainee’s work capacity, skills needed in employment and general work skills, whereas individual training supports development of functional capacity and life management. Youth workshops are provided for in the Youth Act (1285/2016, chapter 4).

Within the services offered by the public sector, workshop activities take place somewhere between social services and other youth work and the open education and labour market. The workshop activities are funded via multiple channels, including state aid (Ministry of Education and Culture, Regional State Administrative Agencies’ youth services), the financial contributions of parties maintaining the activities, project funding, revenue from training services (buyers include KELA, TE Services, social services, educational institutions) and possible work income.
The Ministry of Education and Culture has supported youth workshop activities. Regional State Administrative Agencies grant state aid for the implementation of youth workshop activities.

Youth workshop activities
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