Municipal youth work

Data content

The statistical data of the website regarding the youth work of municipalities is based primarily on information reported by the municipalities themselves. The data on population and the financial statements of municipalities is based on information from Statistics Finland and Association of Finnish Municipalities.

The information in the visualisation are presented in accordance with the municipal division of 2022.

The survey on youth work services in municipalities has been carried out annually since 2015. The Regional State Administrative Agencies conduct the survey as part of the evaluation of basic services, which is part of the statutory tasks of the Regional State Administrative Agencies. In the 2021 evaluation, the youth services were assessed on the availability of municipal youth work.

Under the Youth Act (1285/2016, section 8), youth work and youth policy are tasks of the municipality. When implementing the objectives and starting points of the Youth Act, the municipality must, taking local circumstances into account, create preconditions for youth work and activities by organising services and facilities for young people and by supporting the civic activities of young people. According to the Youth Act, people under the age of 29 are young people.

Survey implementation and compilation of statistics: Ruth Bamming / Regional State Administrative Agency.
Visualisation: Arto Manninen / Regional State Administrative Agency.

Municipal youth work
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